“If you think you are too small to be effective, you have never been in bed with a mosquito.”
— Betty Reese
I decided early on at Chaos Guitars that if I was going to attempt to build my passion into a viable business. There were a few things I WOULD NOT compromise on, one of those and possibly the most important was to work with and give back to the community. I put forth a plan at the beginning of 2017 that I would build one custom guitar for free every year to be used to raise money for a cause that I believed in or was close to my heart or someone close to me. Chaos Guitars asks for nothing in return for any of these builds other than support and kind words. It's just "human" business. So please take a moment to look at some of our past builds and if you have a charity of your own you would like us to consider there is a link below so you can provide us with some of the details. And as always thank you for your referrals and continued support.
Dave - Chaos Guitars
Our Contributions.
L V Community Benefit
A Dean Vendetta that was reworked to be auctioned off to benefit the Sommers Fest which is a benefit put together in memory of Joe Sommers, a local wrestling coach who was murdered. This was our first build and was a quick turn around for us so it was not a total custom build but a complete rebuild and modification complete with a 12 down scalloped neck.
Lehigh Valley Zoo
We chose to help the Lehigh Valley Zoo because I have such fond memories of time spent there with my children and it is a great little community zoo that has seen its share of hard times in the past. Our guitar was auctioned off at their big Gala and the proceeds went to help feed and take care of the animals.
School of Rock
We decided the School of Rock was a no-brainer for us! Our local SoR has a fabulous house band that's made up of its students and they tour the area playing shows, which is all paid for by the kids and parents so we wanted to help the non-profit make some extra money to support the Bank Street Band.
Charity For 2020 Canceled.
This has been a trying year, to say the least, and while we understand there are more good options for charity guitars this year than ever before we have also been dramatically affected by this pandemic so the funds are just not available at the moment for us to build a custom guitar for free and we are not willing to risk compromising our quality standards to push through a guitar that may or may not help all parties involved, so at this moment our 2020 charity build is on hold.
Charity In 2022?
We are trying our hardest to get back on track thanks to this pandemic and now we are playing catch up with projects that are already in progress, that being said…we are pushing to get our charity build program on track for 2022 so if you are interested in donating a project guitar or if you know a worthy charity please drop us a line. We are always accepting donations of guitars for our charity program so feel free to click our contact link and get in touch.
Raise the Roof for James
Chaos Guitars has started working with Tasty Licks Music this year and we love those guys1 they do a YouTube interview show and were one of our COC 2 sponsors. One of the hosts, James, found himself in a tough spot when his long-time girlfriend/wife passed away and in order for him to keep their house he needed to have some major work done and we stepped in to help the only way we knew how…a cool guitar to be sold at his Raise the roof auction.