We have seen too many young musicians get off to a bad start in music by choosing the wrong gear or by choosing too much and too costly gear just to learn how to play guitar! That’s why we enlisted the help of our Chaos artist, Aiden to do some unboxing and review videos with us to help sort out the good “cheap” gear from the bad “cheap” gear. So enjoy our completely unbiased views on some of the most available and cheapest gear out there!
Video One.
Rogue LX205B
We unbox and review the Rogue 5 string bass.
The video was recorded with an Akaso bravo 6
The audio was recorded with one Shure SM7B as an overhead. and then slightly cleaned up for clarity in Audacity
Aidens two final tracks were direct into his DAW with the assist of virtual drums
NOTHING was done to this guitar out of the box other than tuning it, the action was low and intonation was just about perfect,
Don’t forget to check out Aiden and Relapsed at the links below
Video Two.
Unbranded “Flame” guitar
We unbox and review the ESP/LTD copy $70.00 guitar from eBay!
The video was recorded with an Akaso bravo 6
The audio was recorded with one Shure SM7B as an overhead. and then slightly cleaned up for clarity in Audacity
Aidens two final tracks were direct into his DAW with the assist of virtual drums
NOTHING was done to this guitar out of the box other than tuning it.
Cheap Gear Review Glarry GTL
We unbox and review the Glarry GTL! is it a great guitar for such a low price?
The video was recorded with an Akaso bravo 6
The audio was recorded with one Shure SM7B as an overhead. and then slightly cleaned up for clarity in Audacity
NOTHING was done to this guitar out of the box other than tuning it.
Affordable Gear Review - Mitchell (part 1)
We unbox and review the Mitchell…well we try to…
The video was recorded with an Akaso bravo 6
The audio was recorded with one Shure SM7B as an overhead. and then slightly cleaned up for clarity in Audacity
Well … I wish I could say nothing was done to this guitar with the exception of tuning it but once you watch the video you will understand my frustration!
Mitchell Part 2
Cheap Gear Review Glarry Guitar Cases
We unbox and review your basic guitar case we picked up from the folks at Glarry?
The video was recorded with a Logitech Brio 4K
The audio was mistakenly recorded with the mic from the Brio and re-mastered in Audacity.
Cheap Gear Review Glarry Ibanez copy unboxing
We unbox a future charity or give-a-way project we picked up from Glarry
The video was recorded with a Logitech Brio 4K
The playability video coming soon.